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-Adopt the advanced technology of DSP and FM modulation PLL to make sound more realistic, more stable performance, long working hours without frequency diverge. -LCD display more intuitive and accurate, with very low power consumption and minimal noise interference. -30 range digital volume adjustment, can be easily operated with keystrokes. -Automatic memory data before the power failure. -Automatically switched speaker and reciver output -Adopt quartz crystal frequency stabilization, the temperature change is no longer receiving frequency drift. -The professional audio DSP audio signal analysis and processing, automatic mute no signal or weak when FM signal noise, get rid of traditional FM radio in the absence of signal or weak signal when annoying rustling. -Adopt digital incremental rotary encoder to adjust the volume and frequency, well handfelt, precise positioning, stable and durable, 360°rotation without dead ends. Support for serial communication control, able to use computer or MCU module device can control all functionality. Case for this item: Product ID: Output power: 500mW (actuate reciver), 3Wx2 (actuate speaker) Frequency range: 50Hz-18KHz Receiving frequency range: Close the campu1s radio 87.0MHz-108.0MHz Open the campu1s radio 76.0MHz-108.0MHz Equivalent noise: ≥30dB Supply voltage: 3.0V-5.0V Channel: Stereo Supply Current: maximum volume 1000mA, minimum volume under 60mA (for reference only) ManualClick here! Package included: Hot Products
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