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To thank you for your support of Zeblaze Stratos 2, we have prepared the original accessory pack for you. Unbeatable Package$19.98$9.99 If you already bought the watch separately but want to take advantage of this offer, you can also click here to purchase the accessory pack separately. We've done a Flash Deal for you for just , now or never! Featuring a bright AMOLED display, the Zeblaze Stratos 2 GPS smartwatch combines daily style with health monitoring and fitness features that inspire you to keep moving. More features to explore! - Always-on AMOLED display - Accurate built-in GPS
- 5ATM waterproof
Q&A - Why doesn’t my watch start? 1. The watch needs to be connected to the charger for the first use. 3. Try to activate your watch by pressing the area below the screen for a long time. 1. Please make sure your charger is 5V/1A. If the current is too high, the watch would into the automatic protection of the state. - Why is there no charging cable in the package I received? 2. If your watch isn’t USB charging and you don’t receive the charging cable, please contact our customer services right away. Please scan the QR code in the manual to download the APP. Then the time and date will be automatically synced when the watch is connected to the phone. It is not recommended that you wear it to swim, because it is not a professional swimming watch. The monitoring data of heart rate, blood oxygen, blood pressure, and other health functions are for reference only, not on a medical basis. Hot Products
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